
Coaching Programmes



How do you feel when you start work in the morning? Hyped up? Excited? Can’t wait to get going? Brimming with creativity and ideas? Are you living your best working life, making the money you want and able to balance work with everything else? 


You should be.  

It’s so easy to settle with a job that is unfulfilling, draining and that doesn’t make the most of your individual talent and skills. There are good reasons to settle - security, money, fear, not knowing what else you could do.

But work takes up a third of our life. At Vilo Sky, we believe that everyone should have chance to make the most of the time they have, including time spent at work.  

Our Changing Your Career programme will give you clarity on the career you really want and a defined plan for how to get it. Our qualified coaches will work with you in groups of no more than 8 to establish your current situation and what a successful career means to you. You might uncover that you’re a budding entrepreneur, or maybe you want to retrain in a totally different industry. Possibly you have a family and would like your new career to better align to your family life, or maybe you are ready to step up and can’t see it happening in your current role. 

The Changing Your Career programme is purposely structured to draw our your goals and desires, and then to create an individualised action plan to help you achieve them. There is no one size fits all, no limits and nothing that can’t be overcome. Three weeks is all it takes. All we need now is you.


3 x 2.5hr weekly online group sessions

Next cohort begins Enquire Below:

Session 1 – 9.30am-12pm or 


Session 2 – 9.30am-12pm or 


Session 3 – 9.30am-12pm or 


In maximum groups of 8, we will:

  • Establish what career success means to you

  • Confront your current reality

  • Use your values, skills and interests to identify what matters in your career

  • Understand and overcome barriers and fears

By the end of the programme you will have:

  • Clarity on the career you want

  • An individualised Career Plan

  • 3, 6 & 12 month actions and goals 


£485 + VAT

If you have any questions or would like to schedule a call to discuss, please email us at info@vilosky.com